On this page, you can define the text of the notification message. For each notification gateway in the system, you can see a section. Each of the sections contains the name of the gateway and some of the following three fields, depending on the settings of the gateway:
•Subject - message subject text
•HTML text - text of the message in HTML format
•Plain text - text of the message in plain text format
The following macros can be used in your notification templates:
•{%notificationsubscription.SubscriptionID%} - displays the value of the specified data column from the Notification_Subscription table; this represents subscription information
•{%notificationgateway.GatewayID%} - displays the value of the specified data column from the Notification_Gateway table; this represents the notification gateway that performs sending of notification messages
•{%notificationuser.UserID%} - displays the value of the specified user data column from the CMS_Usertable table; this represents the user the notification message is being sent to
•{%notificationcustomdata.XXX%} - displays the value of the specified data column from a custom data source. Columns from View_CMS_Tree_Joined and the document type's table can be used (e.g. CONTENT_article for cms.article document type).
•{%documentlink%} - displays the link to the document (for content event notifications only)
Detailed information about the Notifications module can be found in Developer's Guide -> Modules -> Notifications.